Thursday, May 12, 2005

Obtaining bonsai tools and doing my first pruning

After reading several beginner's guides on the Internet, it was about time to get some tools and start working on the tree. The first attempt was with Dallas Bonsai Garden. Even though they responded relatively quickly, they never got back to me on how to send payment, and after several email sent to them I gave up. I managed to communicate much better with Omiya Bonsai in The Netherlands. I ordered a concave cutter and a twig cutter. I received my tools very promptly and thus confirmed that the Dutch are great people to do business with!

It was now time to get in business. I pruned quite a lot during the first pruning session, working on the lower branches first and mostly following my intuition. I had the idea that I want my tree to have the broom style...

The second pruning session involved the top branch of the tree, and after this the tree looked very small. Unfortunately the picture didn't come out nice and I cannot display that stage.


Blogger Andrea said...

You forgot to mention who sponsored your first concave and twig cutter!
It was me, donĀ“t go on denying it, this story is getting to be annoying so ...just say it: MY SISTER DID!

3:25 PM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

LOL. Sure! My sister did partially sponsor my bonsai tools at a time of financial need :)

10:05 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

Thank you, brother ; )

12:00 AM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

Hi Nicholas, you have a nice blog. Today I was out blog surfing looking for detailed info on indoor bonsai plant when I found your page. Your site is not an exact match but it did catch my interest. I am going to add you to my favorite list of blogs for future reading and reference. Should you ever need information on indoor bonsai plant then drop by the site above and check it out.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nicholas, your blog is excellent. As I was surfing around today looking for detailed info on bonsai tree I somehow ended up on your page. As your described site, Obtaining bonsai tools and doing my first pruning is not exactly related to my search, I am certainly glad I stopped by. Oh well, back to surfing and I am sure I will find what I am looking for, and should you ever need information about bonsai tree, then stop by for a look. Thanks for the post.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nicholas, I found your blog informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on bonsai plant, I ended up on your page. Your site shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future visit, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this site about bonsai plant.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Dale's Gmail said...

Hi Nicholas...Wow! While I was searching for info on guide to bonsai tree I somehow found your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by for a read. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your to move on and continue my search for guide to bonsai tree. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about guide to bonsai tree.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Nicholas, you have a nice blog. Today I was out blog surfing looking for detailed info on bonsai when I found your page. Your site is not an exact match but it did catch my interest. I am going to add you to my favorite list of blogs for future reading and reference. Should you ever need information on bonsai then drop by the site above and check it out.

5:20 PM  
Blogger App Store 3g said...

Check out this new bonsai guide I recently got. It's really useful for any type of bonsai lover.
It has illustrations of other bonsai trees from all over as well. It contains knowledge for beginners and experts alike.
I posted the link where I got it from in my name enjoy!
Very nice blog you have here
Your followers will love this link

2:33 PM  

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